Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Well, to me at least :)

My original intention was to start updating again on February 21st, which is the date of the last update 2 years ago, but as usual, life happened, but now that I'm mostly comfortable in my new apartment after a rather harrowing moving process, and now that I have delivered all of my overlapping projects, I can focus on Nahast properly.

I still didn't have time to make a comfortable buffer of pages, but I didn't want to wait anymore; this date is weirdly significant and not only because of my birthday, but it fell square in a full moon (which always messes up my sleep cycle), but an eclipse, and the first of this century's red moons.

Now, if you follow me on Tumblr or liked Nahast's Facebook page, you know I acquired Manga Studio 4 EX and have been using it to create some illustrations, but now I'm delving fully into its comic-making capabilities. You should notice the difference soon enough, but at least one thing's true: making and managing the dialogue balloons is a lot faster.

I'm also using a new font.

Oh, and starting next page, you will notice that the characters' skins will get a couple of tones darker, as I originally meant it but subconsciously chose lighter base skin tones.

I'll try to update on Tuesdays, although I might be late next week as I settle on a new work rhythm and keep learning new tricks with the new software, but, in conclusion...



Mike Scudder said...

Wonderful to see this updating again!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness you're back!

I'm so glad I'll get to see this story progress!

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