Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Wastelands of No'Net

First thing first, a huge, enormous thanks to Denisse "Darwin" Randall for uploading today's page. She runs two comics in Spiderforest that you should visit here. I still have no net connection at home and things are getting to the point of threatening my ISP with getting the government's consumer protection attorney office involved, and switching to a new ISP.

I'll also be switching a couple of things on Nahast's back-end, but you won't notice them, other than adding a new News system that doesn't require me to juggle a Blogger embed and works natively with Nahast's server, and a new comments tool. I'm still deciding between Disqus and Intense Debate, mostly because I've had a Disqus account for years now, but Intense Debate looks a bit more friendly to casual visitors. Of course, not having net access where I keep all my source files has put a serious damper on those plans. I wanted to have the changes finished by the time I resumed updating, but with the move and all the problems with my Internet, it just wasn't possible, and I gave posting the pages the top priority. The pages will also be a little larger on the screen; today's page was supposed to be the first one with the new size, but since I can't make any changes to the code to make sure it looks good... same size as usual.

On the bright side, I continue to discover little tricks and ways of doing things in Manga Studio, but the coloring was still done in Photoshop and imported, at least while I finish the color reference sheets I've been putting together from previous pages, so that I don't have to open past pages to see what color I used for this or that. Also and I'm still not that comfortable with Manga Studio's color tools, but given how the coloring went with this page, it's just a matter of a couple of pages more.

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