Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mother and Daughter

There are some revelations at the royal balcony.

Ugh. I know I said I didn't plan a hiatus... well, plan was the operative word. It seems I caught a bug that's going on around and it got mixed up with another bug I was successfully fighting off and I ended up with laryngitis, unable to speak for several days and with an aggressive treatment of antibiotics and a corticosteroid. While I was functional enough for the dayjob, it took concentration, and by the end of the day I was kind of listless and uncreative.

I still can't manage high pitches and I'm coughing up all sorts of gooey goodness, but apparently I AM better now, and I need to catch up on more than a few things I let pass in a single week. And no, I'm not letting Nahast lapse; I'm working on the next page already...

1 comment:

Slamlander said...

Last panel grammar:
"or are she and Tzie merging?!"

the 'is' is wrong.

PS:It'll be another week before my website is back up. RDBMS server problems.

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