Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lost week

Blagh... I thought I could finish this week's update, but no... not really. I've put pencil to cardboard and I just wasn't satisfied with the results. Looking back, I spotted a general feeling of dissatisfaction all around, and identified one of my infrequent, but still recurrent slumps. It began with the artblock of a couple week's past, and it's been growing until this point where I could point at it in accusation, letting it cower under scrutiny.

I'm just not feeling motivated to do much of anything (although paying work is paying work, so the paying projects are something I have to soldier on...), and looking around I realized a little contributing factor: a mess. My work areas (my drawing board at my room and my computer at my study) are getting cluttered, and messy, so I started doing a general Fall cleaning in order to create a more orderly and less depressing working environment. I'll also work on a website redesign. Nahast is overdue on the overhaul.

So... I'm skipping this week's update for sanity's sake, and in order to return to a more inspiring environment that will return the bit of excitement I lost about doing Nahast.

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