Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Unexpected Help, Unwanted Realization

Xu're and Thunder get an ally in their side of the fight, but that means something bad.

Updating continues to be a bit of a struggle. January left me a bit... underfunded. Not broke, since I'm careful to keep a healthy reserve in my bank account, and the last check from my work in Mecha & Manga from Green Ronin FINALLY cleared. However, I'm starting to feel the worldwide financial situation, which means I have to look for additional sources of income, which means taking extra assignments.

Gaming has helped me stay sane, but I've cut my gaming time as well only to raid with my guild. And last night we finally got THIS. That's my shammy healer's achievement page on WoW; last night's achievement we finally downed Deathwing in a 10-man raid. He dropped two daggers nobody wanted or needed, the big, stingy poo-dragon...

And then there's Mass Effect 3 coming soon. <.<

Still! I'm devoting one evening or two in the week to work in Nahast; I'm still a bit slower than I used to be as I get back into gear, but I expect to get back into speed soon, and that includes checking the social networking thingie again. Last update I forgot to announce it on Facebook and Google+. <.<


Serzha said...

Congratulations on the kill, and all that... I don't even get why Deathwing drops any daggers though... you get two 397s pretty much for free from Hagara as a rogue, and then there's a continuation to that with the legendaries... The only point in having those daggers on Deathwing is for the heroic encounter, due to how long it takes you to get the legendaries finished.. (at least on 10-man >_> )

Tarqeq said...

I really like your comic and hope you'll find your way back to it, again, someday :-)

Ashley said...

Still occasionally returning to check if anything new has been posted here. This was one of my favorite webcomics, so it's sad to see it on hiatus for so long.

Also, really hoping that the game stuff will finally be updated as well. I'd like to see the Shaman and Martial Artist classes updated for Pathfinder use.

Al-X said...

Last week I finished reworking the martial artist class; still fiddling with mechanics and ready to go into details, I may want to playtest it soon :)

And I'm working on color sheets for each character to make the coloring process easier. I can't promise a date yet, but... I'm working towards it :D

Matteo said...

I really like your comic and hope you'll find a way of continuing it!

Ashley said...

Have you seen Pathfinder's new Advanced Class Guide? Their Shaman class is the closest I've seen to the one you made of any of the multitude of "Shaman" classes I've seen for either 3.x or PF. The ACG is currently in playtest, but the playtest pdf is a free download if you are want to check it out yourself.

Your version of the class is more interesting, I think, with actually having to work out deals with the spirits, instead of just getting everything for free, but PF's version is definitely much easier to deal with because everything's prebuilt, so you don't have to design each of the spirits.

Al-X said...

I'll check that out, definitely, especially as once I have the Martial Artist in a better shape (it's actually very close; I just need to add some stuff to the equipment section :D), my next plan was to give the shaman a full facelift to make it more in tune with what you can see Xu're doing in the comic, so I might go a very divergent route from my old work :)

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