Monday, May 23, 2011


Xis'veki has had enough of the Hawk Maiden's good start.

There was a time when I was a very avid reader. With the advent of the net and with so many other hobbies, the time I allotted to reading decreased. In addition, books here are expensive, and sci-fi/fantasy literature not popular enough that there would be translations or import, so I was limited to what I got from Amazon, which took time, and I had to order large batches to make the most of the international shipping charges.

Enter my new Kindle, and I only have to wait 5 seconds for a book I purchased to be available for enjoyment. While I have restrained myself from a buying spree, I'm catching up with all those novels and series that people talk about and I read in reviews. So far, I'm caught up with Patrick Rorthfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles (The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear. A bit overrated IMHO), and I'm a quarter of a book from finishing the First Law series by Joe Abercrombie (The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, and The Last Argument of Kings. Fantastic reading so far :) ). I think I'm going to catch up with William Gibson next for a change from fantasy to sci-fi. My average books read per year is so going to increase and make up for the last few years...

What does this means for Nahast? INSPIRATION! The last couple of years I've been feeling a bit stale in my writing; especially as I've been focusing on improving my art. Now that I have reached a more comfortable level of artistic quality (until my next self-doubt crisis, at least ^^;), I'm going to focus back into my writing. The story for this chapter is not going to be extensively rewritten, but there's going to be a couple of adjustments in order to give myself a more solid foundation that will keep me inspired now that my RL job/assignment situation has cleared somewhat.

And about this page... you didn't think things were going to be so easy, did you? ;)

1 comment:

BowenTheKotoc said...

I got into it kind of late, and mostly because of the hype around the HBO series, but the A Song of Ice and Fire series is truly excellent.

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