Thursday, February 03, 2011

Opening Gambit

The Hawk Maidens enact Jakitza's tactics, and the soul combat between Derrexi and Tazarik begins in earnest.

Another week, another page! I'm keeping an overheard map with all the positions for the girls and the guys, because it's going to be a grand melee very soon.

About the malware issue, apparently it was a mistake and Palace in the Sky was wrongfully blacklisted, as the add the box runs are either php or straight images, which have no ability to do anything to clients' computers. Still, I'm a bit hesitant. The ad will stay off just to check things out, although prolonged suspension will mean I'll withdraw from Palace in the Sky.

Update: Turns out there WAS a piece of malware that snuck into the PitS server and was sneaking into some ads. It's been cleared now, but I'm still giving it a couple of days more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good on you to not trust it. The ONLY way to recertify an infested computer is to scrub the HDD down to the oxide and reinstall from known clean sources. If they aren't doing that then they are less than competent.

There are more places for malware to hide then there are bits on the hard drive.

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