Monday, October 31, 2005

Trying new things

I have a huge problem with blogs: I never remember to post on them. I think I have to force myself to develop a habit so that this thing stops having comments from a month before the current date.

Anyway, you might be able to notice that in today's update I'm trying a couple of new things. There's a flower pattern in Derrexi's hakama that I created using Photoshop, based off a pattern I actually bought.

The other thing is that I'm beginning to use manga-like tones to accentuate my inking. Behari has a line tone and the Yanti's wicker basket has a texture tone, in the previous page, I used a tone for the speed lines behind the xolotzins. These tones came with one of those "How To Draw Manga" books I recently purchased, and they came as a plugin for Photoshop. I'm going to be incorporating them more into the digital inking process (I do brush inking plus touch ups and additional inking on the computer) to develop my skills, in case I can sometimes publish a b&w comic.

As I mentioned in the tagboard, Azalea reminded me of the existence of NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month. I wanted to participate last year but I had a couple of horrible deadlines and I was still struggling a lot with the process of doing Nahast. Now, as the magazine I manage has stepped back from being bi-weekly to being once again monthly, I find myself with some unexpected free time, so I'm going to give it a shot. User name is Coyotzin, in case I remember to post anything in the NaNoWriMo forums.

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