Monday, January 31, 2005

Little changes

You may, or may not notice, but on this page I changed the way I ink the pages. Instead of my trusty Sakura markers, I switched to using a brush and a bottle of china ink. This is not the first time I use a brush to ink, but it has been a long time since I last did it. Three things became clear with this: 1) I definitely achieve a better control of line width; 2) I need practice to actually achieve the line widths I want... 3) I need a finer brush.

Still, the lines do look more solid, if I do say so myself; I just need to get a feel with my hand to have better control.

Also, this update is on time because there was a very long blackout on Friday, and I managed to finish not one, but TWO pages before the power came back and I could resume my work on the word processor. On saturday I decided to pull an all-nighter to color today's update... frankly because I didn't want to go to bed; I saw The Grudge on Saturday night and it creeped me out severely.

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