Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Being without a steady income (or at least a way smaller steady income) makes one think about the possibilities for making money. You will note that I now have a PayPal button, although I defintely don't expect a miracle like what happened to Mulholland with Something Positive, but one can always dream, eh? :)

In any case, I do plan a bigger drive with Nahast; I want to learn to make PDFs so I can finally start cranking out stuff for the d20 side of the project, but then I remembered there's such a thing as CafePress and KeenSwag. Would having a store be a Good Thing? Initially I didn't even put the PayPal button because I garnered that I was just starting and this was a hobby, but if I start devoting more of my time to a near-profession level... so, the question for my half-dozen loyal readers... would you buy Nahast stuff from the likes of CafePress or, in the future, perhaps even RPGNow? Please add your comments with the link below...

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